Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cars Make A Great Christmas Gift...Not!

I seriously don't understand luxury car commercials during Christmas time. Are the big bows on the cars mean that they're gifts? Who gives a freaking luxury car as a gift? I don't know anyone that would give me or themselves a car as a present, let alone a Lexus. Obviously these commercials are for those that are in the upper two percent of the population. To be more accurate, the commercial should start off the same - someone making a bow. Then that bow being put on a gift card from Starbucks for $20. But now, since the bow is ginourmous, it makes no sense to leave it on there...extravagant! That is what normal people give. This is the reason why people are in debt today, spending way out if their means.
Also, I highly doubt the lady in the commercials can operate a sewing machine, let alone make a giant bow. From the looks of it, she would probably call Esperanza to make it as well as take the kids to school, while she drives with the bow on the car to Rodeo Drive and it blows onto the 10, causing a sig alert. Go back to your whore island! 

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